Frequently asked questions
Q: Can I buy as a private person?
A: No, ELGA only delivers to branch focused retailers.
Q: Can we buy as an association/foundation?
A: No, ELGA only delivers to retailers.
Q: How do I register myself at ELGA?
A: Through bringing a legal (branch focused) Chamber of Commerce registration form. Or you can fill in this webform.
Q: May I take my children to ELGA?
A: Children till 12 years old are not allowed.
Q: Do you have a catalogue and/or pricelist?
A: No, we do not have a catalogue and/or pricelist. The only way of product presentation with prices is in our wholesale warehouse in Best or via our secured online webshop.
Q: Can we purchase on credit?
A: ELGA is based on the Cash & Carry system, purchase on credit is not possible.
Q: Do you also send orders?
A: Yes, certainly we send orders by Seaborne. For further information, please take a look at our Webshop page.
Q: Can I buy goods over the phone?
A: We kindly ask you to request an account for our webshop and place your order.
If your question is not answered in this FAQ, please contact us at
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